Monday, February 7, 2011

Short Walk

After nap Flora and I went for a walk.  Walks with Flora are never fast but this one was particularly slow.  We walked one block in 30 minutes.

First Flora insisted upon bringing all of her babies covered in many blankets so they wouldn't get cold.

Next she built nests on the sidewalk.

Then she spun around in circles before deciding it was time to walk home for a snack.

It wasn't exactly good exercise but she had fun.  

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  1. It's the same for us! Poppy wants to throw leaves in storm drains and pick up sticks and rocks. Well, a curious child is good :)

  2. She is adorable! You should try her on a balance bike, they can pick them up from 2yrs and it makes life so much quicker as they bomb along! :D
    p.s I neeeeed a house with a porch!!!

  3. We got her a balance bike last summer but she was too small to hold it up on her own. It may be time to give it another try!

  4. awwww, how cute! I love it! Definitely not exercise, but entertaining for sure! haha I am a new follower, and I am loving your blog! Can't wait to read more! Feel free to come visit me over at
