We're not religious, I never went to church and David stopped going when he was young, so for us Easter is really more about tradition that religion. The Easter Bunny and Brunch are the traditions we choose to follow. This was the first year that the Easter Bunny visited our house. Flora was too young to care previous years so we didn't bother.
To prepare for Easter we've been reading "The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes." I think the story stuck because last night Flora stayed awake, lying in her bed, until 10. Every time we asked her to go to sleep she said "I'm waiting for the Easter Bunny to come." We tried to explain that the bunny wouldn't come until she was asleep but she was convinced she could see that bunny. See how it always comes back to not sleeping with this girl?
She did finally fall asleep and then she did something she almost never does. Sleep in. Until almost 7. In our house 7 is late. When she woke the first thing she did was yell from her bed, "Is the Easter Bunny still here?" After breaking the news that the Bunny had come and gone we went to go see what she left. Since Flora doesn't eat sugar the bunny left eggs filled with playdough and stickers and a basket full of outdoor toys like sidewalk chalk. She was thrilled!
A new gardening hat.
More loot.
Excited about the eggs hiding around the house.
She got a little sassy as the morning progressed.
After the excitement of the morning died down we all got dressed up to go have brunch at
Red Star with my aunt, uncle and cousins. Flora was excited about brunch but not about David taking her picture. Based on her outfit, you might think we are trying to turn our daughter into a little princess but we're not. Trust me we're not. She just REALLY likes pink and I have no idea why.
Did I mention we don't have any dress shoes that fit so she wore her high-tops?
Her sassy attitude had me a little worried about brunch but she settled once we got there and colored like a big girl.
Then, to ensure she would remain happy, we seated her next to Maggie, my 7-year-old cousin. They love each other.
Because I'm in the middle of my
cleanse I had a big green salad at brunch. It made me a little sad not to eat a big plate of eggs and bacon but most everyone seemed underwhelmed by their food. I'm glad I didn't cheat for less than stellar food! Red Star may not have a great brunch but if I remember correctly, their happy hour is pretty good.
We spent the rest of the day taking it easy and trying to run a couple of errands that will have to be dealt with later since stores close early on Easter. Oh, and we watched the new Doctor Who episode. Judge all you'd like but I love me some Doctor.
How was your Easter?